
This webapp calculates the result of an instant-runoff vote. It's programmed with javascript powered by jQuery and structured and styled with HTML and CSS on the basis of bootstrap. The Sourcecode is licensed under the MIT License and available on GitHub, contributions are welcome. The code is unit-tested with QUnit, but that doesn't guarantee it being bug free. It was written by Peter Grassberger aka. PeterTheOne, with victory threshold option added by Will Adler.


Candidates List

Please enter the names of the candidates, one candidate per line. This list of candidates works like a template for the ballots. The order of candidates has significance, so be careful not to change the order of the candidates after entering the ballots.




Please enter one ballot per line. A ballot consists of ranking numbers 1 2 3 4 ... in a row separated by a comma ,. A ballot has the same amount of ranking numbers as there are candidates. The ballots are entered in the order of preference, with your highest ranked choice first on the list, second choice listed third, etc. All choices that you don't want to rank can be left blank.

Using the example ballot on the left:

3, 1, 2
2, 3, 1

In this example, the first ballot likes Vanilla best and Strawberry least. The second ballot likes Strawberry best and Chocolate least. The third ballot only likes Strawberry and doesn't state a preference for the other two items.



Please submit your request.